Problems You Can Encounter With Travel Nursing And How To Fix Them

So, you found a reliable medical staffing company, you packed up your travel bag, and got ready to work and travel…That part was great! And then you actually arrive at your destination and realize that you didn’t take everything into consideration. While this is completely normal – so much that we could actually use the phrase “expect the unexpected” in this situation, let’s talk about these things and make them less problematic and make you more prepared to handle them.


Adjusting The New Business Environment

Since you will probably be traveling and working within the USA, it’s less likely you’d have to worry about the language barrier but you could still suffer a cultural shock at your new workplace. Changing your environment and stepping out of your comfort zone is rarely easy no matter how much experience you have and how many countries and places you’ve been to. We aren’t saying this is something you should freak out about, but researchers have shown that having something in mind makes it less likely to catch you off guard.

So, start doing things that you can to prepare yourself: read, explore, see some photos of the city/town you’re going to be staying at, photos of your actual accommodation, and healthcare staffing at your new job before your travel date comes in order to make yourself more familiar with your future environment and to make a slow transition.


Physical And Mental Health

As a traveling nurse you already know how rewarding your job is and on the other hand how exhausting it can be, both physically and mentally – this changes from assignment to assignment. What should never change is how you treat and nurture yourself. Being a medical worker you are already aware of how much important and fragile health can be, but sometimes being caught up in taking care of others can take its toll. Don’t let this happen to you and pay attention to what’s your body telling you.

Go back to basics. Try eating healthy food as much as you can. Do your morning exercises. Take a rest when you need rest. Spend some time in nature. When your shift is done, try not to think about work anymore. If at any moment, you start feeling overwhelmed by your everyday tasks, if you start feeling that you can’t cope with stress anymore-don’t hesitate to contact your doctor and avoid burnout. Your medical staffing agency most likely included healthcare insurance in your job offer.


Isolation And How To Meet New People

A traveling nurse interacts with lots of people on a daily basis, yet it can happen that you start feeling a bit lonely. You may find yourself feeling that way especially because some of the people you meet don’t stay in your life for long or because you and your patients or colleagues, for that matter, simply don’t fit. And that’s perfectly fine. It’s crucial to stay in touch with your regular friends especially now during the pandemic when everyone feels isolated or/and to find people you have more in common with.

Socializing is now limited due to the pandemic, but respecting measures of precaution and meeting new people is still an option. How to do that? You can start off by joining one of many nursing associations which could be a stepping stone in connecting with other medical workers, staying informed, and giving you an opportunity to meet some people in person. It is a great way to get introduced to people from your field or even from the place of current residence. Also, consider joining some online groups and forums to get even more tips and exchange opinions with colleagues. If you don’t know where to start, contact your medical staffing recruiting agency and they will probably be keen on helping you.


Busy Schedule

You may find yourself always being in a rush and trying to multitask through your hectic schedule. This can easily happen, without you even noticing. Finding yourself in a new place means that you have to figure out how things work. We talk about discovering new grocery stores, the best way to get to work…and other things that can take up too much of your time.

So pay attention to these ‘side things’ and prepare yourself by researching in advance and getting informed. That way you’ll be able to manage your time more effectively.


We are sure that with your passion and dedication to your work and your medical staffing company’s dedication to you nothing is irresolvable and those positive aspects do and will prevail. Just like you’re there for your patients – the company’s here for you. Let’s help each other and make the world a better place!



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