6 Tips for Being a Mom and a Nurse

Growing up you were probably called the same name. Maybe a nickname was thrown in there. Perhaps your label as ‘mom’ is your most important. But balancing being a mom and a nurse is no easy task.

Who you answer to and your priorities have likely shifted over time. So how do you juggle it all? Here are some tried and true tips for answering both.


1. Know your priorities

This one is hard, right? You want to be in both places at the same time. Being called to be a nurse and a mom is truly a gift. On tough days, remember your priorities and think about them often. Go with your gut!

2. Get help

Using a network of trusted friends and family to help you with your kids is critical. Whether you’re working atypical hours or just needing a break from the stressors of life, that network will be there for you when you need it most.

3. Self-care is important

Speaking of being stressed out, remember to take time for yourself. Finding the time for self-care can be difficult. But if you want the time, you must make it in your schedule. This could be a massage, your favorite Netflix show, or spending time in nature.

4. Holidays and birthdays might look different

Being a nurse oftentimes calls for demanding hours and shifts that aren’t flexible. Communicate early and often with your kids and extended family about what your options are to celebrate holidays and birthdays.

5. Master time management

You’ve learned many skills being a nurse, and time management is one of them, no doubt. Just transfer that skill over to your personal life, too. Avoid getting overwhelmed with responsibilities. Instead, use those skills you’ve mastered!

6. Get rid of mom guilt

You simply can’t be in two places at once. So don’t shame yourself for it! Remove ‘should’ from your vocabulary. Give yourself some grace and know you’re doing the best you can.

Being a mom and a nurse is extremely rewarding. Finding balance with it all will likely look different as your children age. Be flexible and just remember why you’re doing both!



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