Best Spring Travel Nursing Destinations for 2023

Becoming a travel nurse can be a big step for many people. The application and onboarding process can be a bit overwhelming if you don’t have the right partner by your side.


Fortunately, our recruiters and compliance specialists here at Ventura MedStaff are highly professional and experienced and can guide you through the whole process. That leaves one big thing for you to consider – where do you want to live and work for your next assignment? If you aren’t sure, we are here to give you our opinion built on years of experience working with different kinds of nurses.


Benefits of Spring Travel Nursing Assignments

Spring is one of the most beautiful times of the year. It is also one of the best times of year to explore a new place! This is because the cold of winter is finally ebbing away, so outside adventures and hikes become enjoyable again. There are also spring festivals and town events that are planned during this time so that you can get to know the new place you are placed in more easily.

One of the biggest benefits of being a travel nurse is getting to live in and experience new places. This is more easily done in the spring when temperatures are mild and there are fun things to do! Especially in the states listed below.



Notoriously hot in the summer, Texas can be a challenge for people who aren’t used to the climate. That being said, springtime in Texas can be incredibly mild and a good place to get away from the early spring chill so common in the north.

Even better, spring in Texas is the time when a lot of cultural and entertainment events take place, so if you choose Texas, you can find your downtime packed with activities.



To be fair, visiting California at any time of the year is likely to be fun. Whether you are into beaches, deserts, mountains, or big cities, you can find it all within a day trips distance no matter where you are located.

However, spring in California is considered to be really mild and enjoyable, so if that is what you are looking for in your travel nursing contract, earmark California as one of your top destinations.



Travel nursing in Oregon in spring may sound like a bit of a challenging sell, but if you consider all of the advantages this state has to offer, it’s not as far-fetched as it originally seems. The picturesque nature just waking up from the harsh winter can be a beautiful thing to see.

And if you time your visit just right, you may be able to see the tulip farms in full bloom.

On the other hand, if you prefer cities and culture, Portland still ranks as one of the best youth towns in America, with a vibrant cultural scene and countless craft breweries and wineries to explore and enjoy.



Finally, if you are an avid beach-goer and just want to enjoy the sun and warmth, Florida is probably your best bet. It’s no accident this state is the #1 destination for spring break. The warm climate and countless beautiful beaches will certainly satisfy your craving for a tropical getaway in your downtime.


Plus, if you are travel nursing with your family, Florida is home to many theme parks that kids will enjoy.


Choosing just one destination for your spring travel nursing assignment may seem daunting. But if you just lay out what you want to see and do, our recruiters at Ventura MedStaff will be able to help you narrow it down and find the perfect position. So, what are you waiting for? Get in contact with us today!



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