How to navigate travel healthcare assignments with a friend

There’s nothing better than being a traveler and having an exciting career that offers adventure, flexibility, and great opportunities to build your skills – except for maybe getting to do it with a friend.  Getting to take this amazing journey with a friend can make the traveler experience even better! Whether you’re a therapist, nurse, or allied health professional, traveling with a buddy can enhance the experience by helping you feel more supported, stay organized, and make unforgettable memories.

If you’re considering traveling with a friend, here are some tips to help you both navigate the experience successfully.

Align Your Goals and Preferences

Before you dive headfirst into applying for jobs together, it’s important to first take time to discuss your goals. How important is the job setting to you both? Are you looking for the highest pay range or is location your top priority? You want to make sure you have a list of what’s important to you and in ranking order. Compare your list with your friend’s list and make sure they line up. Having these conversations early on will help ensure you’re on the same page and can avoid conflicts down the road.

Work with the Same Recruiter

A great recruiter can make all the difference, and when traveling as a pair, it’s even more beneficial to work with the same one. This ensures your recruiter understands your needs as a duo, can look for assignments that accommodate both of you, and can advocate on your behalf for ideal placements. This also helps to cut down on misunderstandings and can streamline communication between the three of you.

Be Flexible with Assignments

Finding two travel healthcare positions in the same facility or even the same city can be challenging, so flexibility is key. Consult your list of preferences and see where a compromise might be appropriate. Consider nearby towns or a different setting if that means securing great contracts. Some travel pairs opt for different assignments within a reasonable commute so they can still enjoy their off time together. It’s important to remember that if traveling as a pair is the most important aspect for you both, being flexible on other aspects will help make sure you both find great assignments.

Get Organized Together

Compliance, licensing, and credentialing can be overwhelming, especially when traveling to new states. Create a shared checklist or digital document to track required paperwork, deadlines, and any state-specific requirements. Having a travel buddy to keep each other accountable can make the process much smoother.

Plan Housing Wisely

One of the biggest perks of traveling with a friend is splitting housing costs. Whether you choose to rent a furnished apartment, like something found on Furnished Finder, or explore extended-stay options, having a roommate can cut down on expenses. Be sure to discuss preferences like budget, location, and amenities before booking to avoid any surprises.

Support Each Other Professionally and Personally

The travel healthcare lifestyle comes with new challenges, from adjusting to different facilities to being away from home. Having a friend by your side can make those transitions easier. Support each other by sharing insights, debriefing after tough days, and celebrating wins together. Your experience will be even more rewarding when you have someone to lean on.

Embrace the Adventure

One of the best parts of travel healthcare is the ability to explore new places. Take advantage of your assignments by planning weekend trips, trying local restaurants, and immersing yourselves in different cultures. Having a travel companion means making twice the memories! However, make sure you don’t just rely on each other; make friends with some locals, too! Invite them out to dinner with you and grow your circle of friends.

Travel with Ventura MedStaff

Traveling with a friend can be an incredible experience, but it requires communication, flexibility, and good planning. By aligning your goals, staying organized, and supporting each other, you can make the most of your travel adventures while growing both personally and professionally.

Are you and a friend considering travel healthcare? Connect with a recruiter to start your journey today!




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